I have NO idea how many times I've said this on my blog before...but I'm a proud die hard K-Pop fan. I'm not like those irrationally crazy fans but I can say, because of K-Pop, I worship South Korea and Korean language so insanely much to the extent if you say I can live in Korea for the rest of my life, I will just grab my phone, ipod, laptop, ipad and passport and wave goodbye to everyone for good!
My K-Pop craze started pretty late compare to other friends of mine. I started around September or October of 2011. Moreover, instead of liking those dancing groups, I like BAND. In the K-Pop industry, it's very rare to have a band (with a few people) because majority of the groups have lots of people in them.
My all-time favourite K-Pop group is CN Blue!! ♥♥

Because.....my weakness is.....seeing gorgeous guys play musical instruments, especially guitars!
This is the video that made me fell for Yong Hwa oppa and the official start of my K-Pop craze life. (PS: Yong Hwa oppa is the lead singer and the leader of CN Blue) ♥
Little did I know, there's no turning back at all.
When my Yong Hwa oppa plays guitars, I die inside out!!!!!
This is LITERALLY my face when I see Yong Hwa every single time!!
Frankly speaking, throughout these few years, I've NEVER expected me to love anybody else apart from CN Blue because I'm more of a musical instrument person rather than dance(despite I spent half of my life dancing as well :p)
However, since last Thursday, which is exactly 1 week ago from today, I've become a fan of another K-Pop group called B1A4!
Looking back, it seems like everything is fated in a way.
The name B1A4 was no stranger to me because as a K-Pop fan for a few years, I pretty much know the existence of majority of the groups just that I had never listened to their songs nor watched their music videos. Of course, I didn't even know how many people are there in the group.
To sum it up, I've only heard of their name ><
Anyway, back to the story, last Thursday, when I was about to get out of the house for my Japanese class, my junior from Korean Student Society said that she got FREE tickets to B1A4 concert.
Everything aside, FREE is the main point here! HAHA!
The yellow chat bubble is my reaction, without any hesitation at all!
To be honest, I just wanted to go because it's free! :p I knew nothing about them at all except for the name B1A4 ><
But, I didn't think it's appropriate to say NO to a free K-Pop concert, right?!?! HAHA! Plus, the concert venue was just in the city, at Regent Theater (Collins Street), just a few tram stops away from my place, so why not?!
Ps: Regent Theater is also the place where I met my guitar goddess Orianthi couple of years ago (read story here)
Before heading for the venue, I had 45 minutes to spare right after I came back home from class, I cooked myself instant noodles and ate 2 kiwis and 1 egg and watched a few B1A4's music videos. And, I found a really cute guy in the MV (will share it at the end of the blog post, keep reading :3).
Elissa, El, Nini and I went together while Eun Ji, Katie and Jane were already there as backstage workers.
Met up with Eun Ji to pick up the tickets and then went for Spanish Donuts and Sushi with Elissa, El and Nini.
We were really calm in the sense that we didn't bother waiting in the line to get into the venue at all. Since it's all seated, it's just like cinema! Why line up?!
We only went back to Regent Theatre at 6.45pm!
(I went to Orianthi's concert at 5pm when it was suppose to start arond 8pm; CN Blue's at 4.30pm when it was suppose to start around 7.30pm)
Initially our seats were at the very very last row of level 1 but thankfully a nice security guard let us move forward a few rows. Although we were still at the last row of the crowd, we could stand up (nobody was behind us anyway) to get a better view!
It wasn't really that important to us anyway since both Elissa and I were not their fans. We came because the tickets were free!
I didn't take any photos when the concert started because I prefer to enjoy the concert with full concentration than focus on taking videos and photos.
I stole this one from my junior :p
Guess what?!
I went in without knowing anything, but I came out as a fan!!! The concert was sooooo awesome!!! Their singing was really good even though it's live~ No lip syncing. I was quite surprise that B1A4 is not the typical dancing group like Shinee, EXO etc because their dances were really CUTE (not grand but CUTE). Some of dances even look like the morning warm up routines kids do in primary school!!! HAHA!!! And their songs are really bubbly and happy!
And yeah, I learnt their names in the concert! Thanks to Elissa who explained the members' respective roles and names!
Also, I found my bias (for the non-K-Pop fans, 'bias' means one's favourite member from a particular group) - Jin Young, the leader of B1A4 ♥ (this is what I posted on Elissa's Facebook :p literally spammed her!)
I just never thought that Jin Young's THE ONE that I liked when I watched the MV while having instant noodles!
"He's totally your type" said my #sotong.
There's this part where a member brought out an acoustic guitar. I told Elissa "Eh I never know that dancing group people will play musical instrument live on stage like this!"
You know why....he resembles Yong Hwa a little! He has the vibe of Yong Hwa in Heartstrings and he was the one who played the guitar on stage!
My weakness mode ON!
The best part of the concert was when the members ran down the stage and came to the fans with polaroid cameras! I was soooo close to CNU and I also touched one of the members (which I later discovered that's actually Jin Young)!!!
The fan service B1A4 gave to the fans was really the best of the best! I've never seen artistes interacting so well with the fans. There's a part where they randomly chose a fan girl to the stage and they sang "CHU CHU CHU" around her and even gave her a teddy bear! Envy~~
After the concert, Elissa and I went to the backstage to get a glance of them close up but we got squashed by the security guards :/ Still managed to see one of the members really close. Elissa made eye contact with her bias, Baro, and she was so happy and hyper that night! HAHA! We also spoke to the event manager and he told me that he's planning to get CN Blue to come to Melbourne again and he told me that I can apply to be backstage worker for CN Blue's concert next year too!!! YAY!!!! Looking forward to that desperately.
Today marks the 1 exact week of my B1A4 post-concert syndrome. Not only the fandom hasn't gone down, it got even severe!
The real truth is that when I first got back from the concert, I just felt that "Okay...I quite like B1A4 and Jin Young is going to be my bias from B1A4". Until.....I figured out that Jin Young actually composed many of the songs himself and I saw that he can play piano, bass and also guitar well! OKAY, weakness mode ON ON ON!!! Jin Young made it into my list of idols right now!!!
I've now reached a stage where I cannot get B1A4 out of my life! I downloaded ALL of their songs and have been playing them every single day since then. I even spreaded the "virus" to my housemate, now we are literally listening to B1A4 every single day and watching them on variety shows while we have our dinner!!! DAEBAK!!! HAHA!!! We are bursting into laughter every day because B1A4 members are really insane. They are like some kind of uncontrollable hyperactive and noisy kids (a little TOO noisy when compare to CN Blue) but really funny!
Painstakingly wrote THIS long because I want this memory to last. B1A4 came into my life and is now my 2nd favourite K-Pop group! Number 1 still belongs to CN Blue ♥
Now, ready for pictures spam!
There are 5 members in B1A4. I like them because 5 is not too many. I can't stand those groups with hell lots of people in them. I guess 5 or 6 is the limit that I can accept ><
Although B1A4 dresses up quite fancily like the other K-Pop dancing groups, I personally think that they are more of a country singer. Most of their songs are really bubbly and cute!
Coming up next is my Jin Young oppa ♥
This is the image that he portrayed when I started liking him without knowing who he was.
It's by far my #1 favourite song of B1A4.
This is my 2nd favourite song by them "Tried To Walk" 걸어 본다.
And also a bunch of other songs that I really like.
"What's Going On" 이게 무슨 일이야. This is current alarm ring tone!
"Baby I'm Sorry"
"Only Learnt Bad Things" I just started being crazy over this song yesterday :3
"Baby Good Night"
I like Jin Young oppa with dark coloured hair though - black, brown or red is acceptable. I think he looks rather bad in blonde hair that's why I refuse to show him in blonde HAHA (He was blonde in "Solo Day MV and with unkempt hair, that's why I used the dance practice video :p)
I like his phoenix eyes! He's nickname is called "Arctic Fox" because of his eyes! And his smile too! I tend to fall for guys who looks really kiddy when they smile!! :3
Jin Young with guitar!!!!!
With bass!!! Like OMG!! And he composes songs too! How talented can this skinny quiet boy be?!
These 2 videos made me and my housemate laughed so much these days! Our source of happiness ^^
I'm currently trying to memorize the lyrics of "Lonely" and "Solo Day" and learning the chords of B1A4's songs so I can play them!! Perhaps another K-Pop cover video someday?? :p HEHE #justsaying
I'll end this blog post with a behind the scenes clip of B1A4 in Melbourne.
PS: That's Flinders Street by the way :3
I'm ultimately grateful towards Eun Ji, Jane and Katie who gave us free tickets. That ticket changed my life, quite literally, since last Thursday. A good change. And I like it!
Can't wait to see B1A4 again ♥♥ And I also which K-Pop concert is coming up next for me with full enthusiasm :3
☮ Quote to share:My target since I was a trainee is to become a singer that doesn't change even as time goes by and doesn't forget the initial goal. If I feel myself changing, I will control it and catch my heart again. I want to be with my members forever like the way we were in the beginning. With that promise, I will work hard all the time, today and tomorrow ~Jin Young (B1A4)
Facebook: Fionism
Twitter: MJandOri4eva
Instagram: mjandori4eva
Dayre: Fion Paris
Tumblr: mjandori4eva
Youtube: xplee94
Email: fionism@yahoo.com
My K-Pop craze started pretty late compare to other friends of mine. I started around September or October of 2011. Moreover, instead of liking those dancing groups, I like BAND. In the K-Pop industry, it's very rare to have a band (with a few people) because majority of the groups have lots of people in them.
My all-time favourite K-Pop group is CN Blue!! ♥♥
Having so many gorgeous and talented K-Pop groups to choose from, I have
only been a fan of CN Blue since my K-Pop craze started. Even though I
still listen and watch the other dancing groups, I've never been a die
hard fan of theirs.

Because.....my weakness is.....seeing gorgeous guys play musical instruments, especially guitars!
This is the video that made me fell for Yong Hwa oppa and the official start of my K-Pop craze life. (PS: Yong Hwa oppa is the lead singer and the leader of CN Blue) ♥
Little did I know, there's no turning back at all.
When my Yong Hwa oppa plays guitars, I die inside out!!!!!
This is LITERALLY my face when I see Yong Hwa every single time!!
Frankly speaking, throughout these few years, I've NEVER expected me to love anybody else apart from CN Blue because I'm more of a musical instrument person rather than dance
However, since last Thursday, which is exactly 1 week ago from today, I've become a fan of another K-Pop group called B1A4!
Looking back, it seems like everything is fated in a way.
The name B1A4 was no stranger to me because as a K-Pop fan for a few years, I pretty much know the existence of majority of the groups just that I had never listened to their songs nor watched their music videos. Of course, I didn't even know how many people are there in the group.
To sum it up, I've only heard of their name ><
Anyway, back to the story, last Thursday, when I was about to get out of the house for my Japanese class, my junior from Korean Student Society said that she got FREE tickets to B1A4 concert.
Everything aside, FREE is the main point here! HAHA!
The yellow chat bubble is my reaction, without any hesitation at all!
To be honest, I just wanted to go because it's free! :p I knew nothing about them at all except for the name B1A4 ><
But, I didn't think it's appropriate to say NO to a free K-Pop concert, right?!?! HAHA! Plus, the concert venue was just in the city, at Regent Theater (Collins Street), just a few tram stops away from my place, so why not?!
Ps: Regent Theater is also the place where I met my guitar goddess Orianthi couple of years ago (read story here)
Before heading for the venue, I had 45 minutes to spare right after I came back home from class, I cooked myself instant noodles and ate 2 kiwis and 1 egg and watched a few B1A4's music videos. And, I found a really cute guy in the MV (will share it at the end of the blog post, keep reading :3).
Elissa, El, Nini and I went together while Eun Ji, Katie and Jane were already there as backstage workers.
Met up with Eun Ji to pick up the tickets and then went for Spanish Donuts and Sushi with Elissa, El and Nini.
We were really calm in the sense that we didn't bother waiting in the line to get into the venue at all. Since it's all seated, it's just like cinema! Why line up?!
We only went back to Regent Theatre at 6.45pm!
(I went to Orianthi's concert at 5pm when it was suppose to start arond 8pm; CN Blue's at 4.30pm when it was suppose to start around 7.30pm)
I was really taken aback by the interior design of Regent Theatre! It's
sooooo classy. I couldn't believe that a K-Pop group would hold a
concert at such elegant venue because this place seems more suitable for
orchestra performances or broadway shows.
Because the tickets were free, we couldn't manage to get seats for the 4 of us in the same row. Eventually, Elissa and I went to Level 1 while El and Nini went upstairs.Initially our seats were at the very very last row of level 1 but thankfully a nice security guard let us move forward a few rows. Although we were still at the last row of the crowd, we could stand up (nobody was behind us anyway) to get a better view!
It wasn't really that important to us anyway since both Elissa and I were not their fans. We came because the tickets were free!
I didn't take any photos when the concert started because I prefer to enjoy the concert with full concentration than focus on taking videos and photos.
I stole this one from my junior :p
Guess what?!
I went in without knowing anything, but I came out as a fan!!! The concert was sooooo awesome!!! Their singing was really good even though it's live~ No lip syncing. I was quite surprise that B1A4 is not the typical dancing group like Shinee, EXO etc because their dances were really CUTE (not grand but CUTE). Some of dances even look like the morning warm up routines kids do in primary school!!! HAHA!!! And their songs are really bubbly and happy!
And yeah, I learnt their names in the concert! Thanks to Elissa who explained the members' respective roles and names!
Also, I found my bias (for the non-K-Pop fans, 'bias' means one's favourite member from a particular group) - Jin Young, the leader of B1A4 ♥ (this is what I posted on Elissa's Facebook :p literally spammed her!)
I just never thought that Jin Young's THE ONE that I liked when I watched the MV while having instant noodles!
"He's totally your type" said my #sotong.
There's this part where a member brought out an acoustic guitar. I told Elissa "Eh I never know that dancing group people will play musical instrument live on stage like this!"
You know why....he resembles Yong Hwa a little! He has the vibe of Yong Hwa in Heartstrings and he was the one who played the guitar on stage!
My weakness mode ON!
The best part of the concert was when the members ran down the stage and came to the fans with polaroid cameras! I was soooo close to CNU and I also touched one of the members (which I later discovered that's actually Jin Young)!!!
The fan service B1A4 gave to the fans was really the best of the best! I've never seen artistes interacting so well with the fans. There's a part where they randomly chose a fan girl to the stage and they sang "CHU CHU CHU" around her and even gave her a teddy bear! Envy~~
After the concert, Elissa and I went to the backstage to get a glance of them close up but we got squashed by the security guards :/ Still managed to see one of the members really close. Elissa made eye contact with her bias, Baro, and she was so happy and hyper that night! HAHA! We also spoke to the event manager and he told me that he's planning to get CN Blue to come to Melbourne again and he told me that I can apply to be backstage worker for CN Blue's concert next year too!!! YAY!!!! Looking forward to that desperately.
Today marks the 1 exact week of my B1A4 post-concert syndrome. Not only the fandom hasn't gone down, it got even severe!
The real truth is that when I first got back from the concert, I just felt that "Okay...I quite like B1A4 and Jin Young is going to be my bias from B1A4". Until.....I figured out that Jin Young actually composed many of the songs himself and I saw that he can play piano, bass and also guitar well! OKAY, weakness mode ON ON ON!!! Jin Young made it into my list of idols right now!!!
I've now reached a stage where I cannot get B1A4 out of my life! I downloaded ALL of their songs and have been playing them every single day since then. I even spreaded the "virus" to my housemate, now we are literally listening to B1A4 every single day and watching them on variety shows while we have our dinner!!! DAEBAK!!! HAHA!!! We are bursting into laughter every day because B1A4 members are really insane. They are like some kind of uncontrollable hyperactive and noisy kids (a little TOO noisy when compare to CN Blue) but really funny!
Painstakingly wrote THIS long because I want this memory to last. B1A4 came into my life and is now my 2nd favourite K-Pop group! Number 1 still belongs to CN Blue ♥
Now, ready for pictures spam!
There are 5 members in B1A4. I like them because 5 is not too many. I can't stand those groups with hell lots of people in them. I guess 5 or 6 is the limit that I can accept ><
Although B1A4 dresses up quite fancily like the other K-Pop dancing groups, I personally think that they are more of a country singer. Most of their songs are really bubbly and cute!
Coming up next is my Jin Young oppa ♥
This is the image that he portrayed when I started liking him without knowing who he was.
It's from the "Lonely" 없구나 MV that I watched before attending the concert.
This is my 2nd favourite song by them "Tried To Walk" 걸어 본다.
And also a bunch of other songs that I really like.
"What's Going On" 이게 무슨 일이야. This is current alarm ring tone!
"Baby I'm Sorry"
"Only Learnt Bad Things" I just started being crazy over this song yesterday :3
"Baby Good Night"
"Solo Day"
I like Jin Young oppa with dark coloured hair though - black, brown or red is acceptable. I think he looks rather bad in blonde hair that's why I refuse to show him in blonde HAHA (He was blonde in "Solo Day MV and with unkempt hair, that's why I used the dance practice video :p)
I like his phoenix eyes! He's nickname is called "Arctic Fox" because of his eyes! And his smile too! I tend to fall for guys who looks really kiddy when they smile!! :3
Jin Young with guitar!!!!!
With bass!!! Like OMG!! And he composes songs too! How talented can this skinny quiet boy be?!
These 2 videos made me and my housemate laughed so much these days! Our source of happiness ^^
I'm currently trying to memorize the lyrics of "Lonely" and "Solo Day" and learning the chords of B1A4's songs so I can play them!! Perhaps another K-Pop cover video someday?? :p HEHE #justsaying
I'll end this blog post with a behind the scenes clip of B1A4 in Melbourne.
PS: That's Flinders Street by the way :3
I'm ultimately grateful towards Eun Ji, Jane and Katie who gave us free tickets. That ticket changed my life, quite literally, since last Thursday. A good change. And I like it!
Can't wait to see B1A4 again ♥♥ And I also which K-Pop concert is coming up next for me with full enthusiasm :3
☮ Quote to share:My target since I was a trainee is to become a singer that doesn't change even as time goes by and doesn't forget the initial goal. If I feel myself changing, I will control it and catch my heart again. I want to be with my members forever like the way we were in the beginning. With that promise, I will work hard all the time, today and tomorrow ~Jin Young (B1A4)
Facebook: Fionism
Twitter: MJandOri4eva
Instagram: mjandori4eva
Dayre: Fion Paris
Tumblr: mjandori4eva
Youtube: xplee94
Email: fionism@yahoo.com
Hi, I was just wondering on how you could apply to be a backstage workers for concerts. :)