With the Covid-19 pandemic spreading in Malaysia like a wildfire, our government just announced there'll be a nationwide "lockdown" (or rather movement control) starting from tomorrow till the end of March.

I hope the masses can just understand this little concept: there's absolutely no need to stock up heaps of food like there's a zombie apocalypse (if everyone stops doing this, there won't be the uncontrollable scenes in the grocery shops - it's all a domino effect) nor worry about being bored to death at home.
Here's a list of things that might help you kill some time if you think you have absolutely nothing to do at home:
♠ Work from home, if you have to.
♠ Catch up on those TV shows/Youtube videos/podcasts/books that have been sitting in your "later" list forever. This shall keep you busy for a significant amount of time.
♠ Do home workouts. Gotta get your ass off the chair at some point and kill the belly.
♠ Review and/or restructure your lifestyle and goals. Ask yourself if you are working towards to becoming the person you want to be and building the life that you have always been dreaming about. This might drain some brain juice but it'll definitely be worth it.
♠ Pick up a new skill/hobby - you can basically learn anything on Youtube or by signing up for an online course on platforms like Udemy or Skillshare.
♠ Update your resume and/or LinkedIn profile - whether or not you are seeking for a new job.
♠ Do a thorough cleaning of your house. Clean up your closet, bookshelves, knick knacks. It's time for a thorough KonMarie session.
♠ Learn to cook new dishes. I know that shopping for groceries is kinda hard these days but you can work with whatever you have at home so you don't feel bored eating instant noodles everyday.
♠ Tidy and back up your digital devices: laptop, mobile phones and camera. Categorize your documents and media files into specific folders to make things simpler for yourself moving forward.
♠ Work on your finances. With the virus spreading and (potential) global financial crisis around the corner, it is time for us to prepare for a rainy day. I don't usually promote fear on my blog but if this bad market isn't making you shiver at the thought of it, you sure have a long way to go with your finances and future planning.
♠ Clean up your social media. Unfollow people that don't inspire you, unsubscribe to Youtube channels that you don't resonate with anymore and delete contacts of people who you never stay in touch with.
♠ Call your friends and family. It's a great time for real bonding because "I'm busy" is no longer a valid reason at this time.
♠ Practice mindfulness. You can do this by starting a new journal, writing morning pages or practicing meditation or visualization.
♠ Start a new project, like a blog, turning your video clips of your last family vacation into a mini movie, re-pot your plants for the garden or paint a new drawing.
♠ Plan your next bucket list trip. Or simply just start creating a bucket list from scratch. In this chaotic period, doing this will spark hope, optimism, joy and excitement - so, why not?!
In all seriousness, a good way to look at this is:
You have always been working hard for the monthly payments for your home (be it rental or mortgage), this is the time for you to stay in and enjoy its coziness and make every penny count!
PS: We shall be grateful that we are living in this day and age where there's the existence of Internet and food delivery and online shopping - it's not that torturous!
Keep yourself and your loved ones safe and healthy. Wash your hands. Patiently wait it out. We will all get through this.
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