Oh gosh...one more day left. Here comes the official end of my 2 slacking months. Time really flies. I'm NEARLY set for Melbourne. BUT, before I go, here's a new update which I am dedicating to ALL of my friends, especially those who organized and participated in those insanely surprised-me-off parties :D A gazillion thanks to every single one of you :D
Here goes..............................................................................

Chin Yee. My BFF of all time since we were standard 3 (9 years old). Thanks for being such a GREAT friend staying by my side throughout these years. So now....we are officially waving goodbye to each other, no more non-stop texting in the middle of the night, no more chatting on the phone gossiping about a bunch of nonsense....Seems like these are the things that we normally take them for granted, but now, upon leaving, I start to feel that I will miss you a lot. Yeah, really. Having you in my life has already become a habit. Even the times when we didn't contact each other during the holidays and the exam days, I knew by heart that no matter when or where, as long as I gave you a call or a sms, there would be a reply from you. Now, we left only Facebook. So my dear, do me a favour will you?! Make a Skype account ya?! I don't wanna lose contact with you. Thank you for organizing such memorable surprise parties for me and getting me my very first Cn Blue album, it's the first k pop collection that I have. Thank you so much for EVERYTHING. I love you lots babe....
Ps1: Congrats on passing your driving test, I hereby challenge you to pierce your ears before I come back. I will buy you a pair of gorgeous earrings when I get back alright :)
Ps2: Never give up on guitar, or else you would have to give your new "toy" to me x)

Ms Placenta. Ms Feng Shao. Cassie. welcome you to the club! You're Beautiful and Heartstrings RULE! Firstly, thank you for your "love letters". I was, still am touched by your words. Thank you for being a "pig dog friend" and doing crazy stuffs with me throughout these years. Most of the things that I wanna say, I probably already wrote 80% in your biodata book and the super long-winded like Japanese Ramen CNY card. Let's see....since we are "pig dog friend", you MUST get a related nickname. I am Momo, so.....what you wanna be??! Faster come up with a name alright?!? Or I can call you.................................

Decide...Quick!! Momo had been taken already, so JOLIE, alright?!? Afterall Jolie's Jeremy's darling! How bout that? I'm waiting for your answer haha...Let me know ASAP ya?! x)

Thanks for the Shin Woo badge, love it so much, but I don't think I would have the heart to put it on my pencilbox, if it fell off or got damage, I would cry for sure...I'm gonna keep it in a pretty box with a plastic protector. Gonna take good care of my Shin Woo oppa :)

Oh yeah, whenever you look at your Jeremy badge, you have to remember me o!!

Bi Ling. The lady who is too fond of green. Hehe...my neighbour next table for 2 years. A very good and hardworking lady who's actually a role model for me. Just that I was too playful and didn't get to be influenced by her or else I would have better results. Blah...Oh well! Thanks my dear for bearing with my idiotic and nonsensical jokes, I know I had put you through a hard time! :p Thank you for your mercy! Don't forget to update me Jang Keun Suk's news because I don't get to know anything about him in Australia....So it's your duty! :) Bogosipoyo=I miss you.

My primary gang, Jason, Chun Keat, Hui Tee, Qi Yong, Sze Yuen and Chin Yee. We really grew up together, didn't we? Thanks for every single wonderful memory since primary school. Those insane and carefree days may not appear so frequently anymore as time tears us apart, but no matter what, I hope that our friendship will never end. Especially Jason, Chun Keat and Kok Meng (I freaking hate you dude, why did you fall sick on the Redbox day, I didn't get to see you before I leave...argh! Revenge: you don't get to appear on my blog LOL!) Don't you GUYS terminate our friendship once you had girlfriends because I only have 3 boy friends. Yeah you get me right, YOU 3, categorized as endangered animal in my world, so I can't let you go extinct like dinos x)

Tan Sze Yuen. Hey girl...we had been in the same class for 11 years. Our legend eventually came to an end. Still remember last time we used to dream about going to the same university? Too bad that dream can't be true anymore. I am not a good science student like you, and I don't like science subjects :p But there's still another "fairytale" among you and I, which is we will attend each others' wedding!! :) I can't wait to see you marry a rich handsome guy (probably with huge packs) and walking down the aisle!!! It's a deal, ok?! Keep in touch!! I love you lots!

Primary school friends are the most important gang ever because you guys had been in my life for the longest time. Thanks for everything. I really love you all, and gonna miss you guys lots~
Special thanks to Jason, Chun Keat, Chin Yee, Qi Yong, Hui Tee, Cassandra, Sze Yuen, Ruo Qi, Kok Meng and Yan Han for the CN Blue album! I love it to da max!

What a great surprise! Queensbay TGIF with PKKs + Girl Guides and Jingle and Yan Han (who cannot be categorized into any group, only the group-MY FRIENDS :D) Got to celebrate my birthday with Jingle, too bad that stubborn Ze Wen didn't wanna cut the cake with us or else it would be great, except for the embarrassing moment when me and Jingle were FORCED to sing while standing on the chairs....what idea was that?!?! OH GOD~

It's obvious, seeing Ze Wen and Jingle, I couldn't help missing our ballet days. I miss those 2 darlings. Come to think of it, Ze Wen should've celebrated with us as well because throughout the ballet years I didn't get to hear her sing at all..... X)

Another shock was to see Jia Yee, Yu Mei and Yun Ying there. I love my juniors a lot!

And also, thanks to Jia Wei who organized the entire surprise at TGIF :)

Lee Lia thanks for showing up after being missing for the whole month. I thought you evaporated into thin air already.

Wan En and Shirley, thanks for "tricking" me into this. Thank you so much. I know it's a very energy consuming thing, especially for Shirley because you had to work and had to settle my stuffs at the same time. By the way, Wan En, I still didn't get to go to Starbucks with you, therefore, you still owe me a cheesecake hehe!
ps: Sorry Shirley, until now I only noticed that I don't have a picture with you. We'll take it when I get back to visit you guys alright?! Mianhae~~

He Yue, Nicole, Vivian and Hui Qian, thanks a million for coming. I really miss you guys. Seeing 4 of you reminded me of our crazy Renjer days, non-stop laughing and screaming. Unfortunately, Carmen, my lovely Big C and my Team Grimmie Delyn Choong and that mad kid Qian Yi weren't here. Or else the day would be perfect :/

Kim Khyi thanks for making an effort to show up, even it's only a short while, it really meant a lot to me. Thanks :) All the best in PKKs. I believe you're a very charismatic chairlady.And here comes the presents...awww all of them are absolutely SWEEEEEEET!!! xx

Not sure if this is a farewell gift or birthday gift, but this is definitely the very first gift that I received. Thanks to Jia Ming. Finally, it's time for me to use it tomorrow.

Thanks for knowing my passion towards necklaces He Yue!!!! I will miss you lots my dear....

You guys are damn cunning huh?!?! Wanna make me cry?! Too bad, I don't have over active tear glands for these kind of things...hehe, but I promise to cherish it. No worries, it's now lying peacefully in my collection box! Thanks for everyone's wishes! PKKs and Guides! Saranghae xoxo

Lovely necklace. But heck...I can't do what you guys said! One side for Jung Yong Hwa and the other for Jang Keun Suk. No can do. The "holes" are too tiny :( The ring is totally one of a kind. I was thinking to buy a simple silver ring which I can wear everyday. Thank you for this special gift. With music notes on the ring and my name carved inside. OMG! 100000% I'm wearing it everyday!!! Hui Tee, Chin Yee, Qi Yong, Bi Ling, Keni, Jia Xin and Yan Han...Jung mal Kamsahamnida!

I am NOT a cute girl, but there's always this someone who will give me cute stuffs--Lee Lia. Because she is a cute girl herself. Guess what?! She even gave me a photo of herself and asked me to treasure it forever! Alright...I give in to you my dear, I keep it with the mug hehe :D Arigato!
What's in the box?! Let's see what we've got here on the surface of the box.....

Michael Jackson, Smooth Criminal Lean. Yay! I'm a PRO MJ FAN! :D

This is Orianthi for sure x)

Christina Grimmie with Zelda tee!

Jung Yong Hwa oppa with an electric guitar!

Jang Keun Suk oppa?! Seems like it's his style in You're Beautiful!

Puzzles?? One of my biggest weaknesses. omg, 160 pieces, I will have a hard time completing this! Perhaps I would need a century to fulfill this mission xP

Bi Ling, Hui Tee, Cassie, Kim Khyi, Sze Yuen, Wan En, Lee Lia, Carmen, Ming Yee, Qi Yong, Delyn, Yun Ying, Jingle, Wan Fen, Ze Wen, Jia Yee, Yan Han, Chun Keat, Jason, Simmy, Jia Wei, Min Ming, Shirley, Qian Yi, Yu Mei, Jia Xin, Chin Yee.....I salute you all!
I don't know what to say, really really thank you for everything. I will miss you all! And again, thank you thank you thank you. Jung mal Kamsahamnida xx Love every single one of you. All the best to you all. God bless.
Peace and Love,
Here goes..............................................................................

Chin Yee. My BFF of all time since we were standard 3 (9 years old). Thanks for being such a GREAT friend staying by my side throughout these years. So now....we are officially waving goodbye to each other, no more non-stop texting in the middle of the night, no more chatting on the phone gossiping about a bunch of nonsense....Seems like these are the things that we normally take them for granted, but now, upon leaving, I start to feel that I will miss you a lot. Yeah, really. Having you in my life has already become a habit. Even the times when we didn't contact each other during the holidays and the exam days, I knew by heart that no matter when or where, as long as I gave you a call or a sms, there would be a reply from you. Now, we left only Facebook. So my dear, do me a favour will you?! Make a Skype account ya?! I don't wanna lose contact with you. Thank you for organizing such memorable surprise parties for me and getting me my very first Cn Blue album, it's the first k pop collection that I have. Thank you so much for EVERYTHING. I love you lots babe....
Ps1: Congrats on passing your driving test, I hereby challenge you to pierce your ears before I come back. I will buy you a pair of gorgeous earrings when I get back alright :)
Ps2: Never give up on guitar, or else you would have to give your new "toy" to me x)

Ms Placenta. Ms Feng Shao. Cassie. welcome you to the club! You're Beautiful and Heartstrings RULE! Firstly, thank you for your "love letters". I was, still am touched by your words. Thank you for being a "pig dog friend" and doing crazy stuffs with me throughout these years. Most of the things that I wanna say, I probably already wrote 80% in your biodata book and the super long-winded like Japanese Ramen CNY card. Let's see....since we are "pig dog friend", you MUST get a related nickname. I am Momo, so.....what you wanna be??! Faster come up with a name alright?!? Or I can call you.................................

Decide...Quick!! Momo had been taken already, so JOLIE, alright?!? Afterall Jolie's Jeremy's darling! How bout that? I'm waiting for your answer haha...Let me know ASAP ya?! x)
Thanks for the Shin Woo badge, love it so much, but I don't think I would have the heart to put it on my pencilbox, if it fell off or got damage, I would cry for sure...I'm gonna keep it in a pretty box with a plastic protector. Gonna take good care of my Shin Woo oppa :)

Oh yeah, whenever you look at your Jeremy badge, you have to remember me o!!

Bi Ling. The lady who is too fond of green. Hehe...my neighbour next table for 2 years. A very good and hardworking lady who's actually a role model for me. Just that I was too playful and didn't get to be influenced by her or else I would have better results. Blah...Oh well! Thanks my dear for bearing with my idiotic and nonsensical jokes, I know I had put you through a hard time! :p Thank you for your mercy! Don't forget to update me Jang Keun Suk's news because I don't get to know anything about him in Australia....So it's your duty! :) Bogosipoyo=I miss you.

My primary gang, Jason, Chun Keat, Hui Tee, Qi Yong, Sze Yuen and Chin Yee. We really grew up together, didn't we? Thanks for every single wonderful memory since primary school. Those insane and carefree days may not appear so frequently anymore as time tears us apart, but no matter what, I hope that our friendship will never end. Especially Jason, Chun Keat and Kok Meng (I freaking hate you dude, why did you fall sick on the Redbox day, I didn't get to see you before I leave...argh! Revenge: you don't get to appear on my blog LOL!) Don't you GUYS terminate our friendship once you had girlfriends because I only have 3 boy friends. Yeah you get me right, YOU 3, categorized as endangered animal in my world, so I can't let you go extinct like dinos x)

Tan Sze Yuen. Hey girl...we had been in the same class for 11 years. Our legend eventually came to an end. Still remember last time we used to dream about going to the same university? Too bad that dream can't be true anymore. I am not a good science student like you, and I don't like science subjects :p But there's still another "fairytale" among you and I, which is we will attend each others' wedding!! :) I can't wait to see you marry a rich handsome guy (probably with huge packs) and walking down the aisle!!! It's a deal, ok?! Keep in touch!! I love you lots!

Primary school friends are the most important gang ever because you guys had been in my life for the longest time. Thanks for everything. I really love you all, and gonna miss you guys lots~
Special thanks to Jason, Chun Keat, Chin Yee, Qi Yong, Hui Tee, Cassandra, Sze Yuen, Ruo Qi, Kok Meng and Yan Han for the CN Blue album! I love it to da max!

It's obvious, seeing Ze Wen and Jingle, I couldn't help missing our ballet days. I miss those 2 darlings. Come to think of it, Ze Wen should've celebrated with us as well because throughout the ballet years I didn't get to hear her sing at all..... X)

Another shock was to see Jia Yee, Yu Mei and Yun Ying there. I love my juniors a lot!

And also, thanks to Jia Wei who organized the entire surprise at TGIF :)

Lee Lia thanks for showing up after being missing for the whole month. I thought you evaporated into thin air already.

Wan En and Shirley, thanks for "tricking" me into this. Thank you so much. I know it's a very energy consuming thing, especially for Shirley because you had to work and had to settle my stuffs at the same time. By the way, Wan En, I still didn't get to go to Starbucks with you, therefore, you still owe me a cheesecake hehe!
ps: Sorry Shirley, until now I only noticed that I don't have a picture with you. We'll take it when I get back to visit you guys alright?! Mianhae~~

He Yue, Nicole, Vivian and Hui Qian, thanks a million for coming. I really miss you guys. Seeing 4 of you reminded me of our crazy Renjer days, non-stop laughing and screaming. Unfortunately, Carmen, my lovely Big C and my Team Grimmie Delyn Choong and that mad kid Qian Yi weren't here. Or else the day would be perfect :/

Kim Khyi thanks for making an effort to show up, even it's only a short while, it really meant a lot to me. Thanks :) All the best in PKKs. I believe you're a very charismatic chairlady.And here comes the presents...awww all of them are absolutely SWEEEEEEET!!! xx
Not sure if this is a farewell gift or birthday gift, but this is definitely the very first gift that I received. Thanks to Jia Ming. Finally, it's time for me to use it tomorrow.
Thanks for knowing my passion towards necklaces He Yue!!!! I will miss you lots my dear....
You guys are damn cunning huh?!?! Wanna make me cry?! Too bad, I don't have over active tear glands for these kind of things...hehe, but I promise to cherish it. No worries, it's now lying peacefully in my collection box! Thanks for everyone's wishes! PKKs and Guides! Saranghae xoxo
Lovely necklace. But heck...I can't do what you guys said! One side for Jung Yong Hwa and the other for Jang Keun Suk. No can do. The "holes" are too tiny :( The ring is totally one of a kind. I was thinking to buy a simple silver ring which I can wear everyday. Thank you for this special gift. With music notes on the ring and my name carved inside. OMG! 100000% I'm wearing it everyday!!! Hui Tee, Chin Yee, Qi Yong, Bi Ling, Keni, Jia Xin and Yan Han...Jung mal Kamsahamnida!
I am NOT a cute girl, but there's always this someone who will give me cute stuffs--Lee Lia. Because she is a cute girl herself. Guess what?! She even gave me a photo of herself and asked me to treasure it forever! Alright...I give in to you my dear, I keep it with the mug hehe :D Arigato!
What's in the box?! Let's see what we've got here on the surface of the box.....
Michael Jackson, Smooth Criminal Lean. Yay! I'm a PRO MJ FAN! :D
This is Orianthi for sure x)
Christina Grimmie with Zelda tee!
Jung Yong Hwa oppa with an electric guitar!
Jang Keun Suk oppa?! Seems like it's his style in You're Beautiful!
Puzzles?? One of my biggest weaknesses. omg, 160 pieces, I will have a hard time completing this! Perhaps I would need a century to fulfill this mission xP

Bi Ling, Hui Tee, Cassie, Kim Khyi, Sze Yuen, Wan En, Lee Lia, Carmen, Ming Yee, Qi Yong, Delyn, Yun Ying, Jingle, Wan Fen, Ze Wen, Jia Yee, Yan Han, Chun Keat, Jason, Simmy, Jia Wei, Min Ming, Shirley, Qian Yi, Yu Mei, Jia Xin, Chin Yee.....I salute you all!
I don't know what to say, really really thank you for everything. I will miss you all! And again, thank you thank you thank you. Jung mal Kamsahamnida xx Love every single one of you. All the best to you all. God bless.
Peace and Love,
Thursday, February 9, 2012
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