短短幾天里竟然跟不同的朋友聊到同樣的話題: [底氣]。這個真的是一個容易懂但是很難體會的詞。

很多時候我們都是用很狹隘的眼光看待當下,所以會把情緒和問題放大100倍來看,那是因為我們身在其中,當局者迷。 驀然回首,那些看似風風雨雨的日子也不過如此。努力地熬出頭的我們,擁有了淡定,更收穫了底氣。




當年,有位面試官說我長得不好看,連看我的resume都是浪費時間。那時候的我52-55kg,常常以為需要靠濃化妝才能夠見人。現在,本小姐44kg,21寸水蛇要加馬甲線,而且常大素顏見人(就算化妝也是眼妝而已)。雖然不是美女路線,但是我知道我不醜。這是努力護膚、減脂、健身給的底氣。再想想, 任何一個有文化和教養的正常人也不會隨便評論別人的外貌吧!


就連炒股,一年前的我會坐在電腦面前不知所措地哭。那時候任何買賣都不敢,認為自己不管怎樣都是失敗的。現在的我,虽還沒突然一夜暴富 (我還是希望這天會到來),但是亏钱之后也不再懷疑自己是否不能翻身了。我再怎么fuck up,我也知道哪里是个end point。就像我大师兄说的:【炒股不要看你当下赚了多少钱,你的底气应该来自于扣了犯傻的亏损之后,那个你能赚到最低的nett profit】。壓力迷茫肯定每时每刻都有的,但是現在的底氣是這一年半裡的起起落落、虧損💸、眼淚、壓力、无数个失眠的夜晚/Panic attacks換來的。只要青山还保着,这就还是一份完完全全属于自己的小事业。我是我自己portfolio的小老板。


雖然偶爾會cry-baby一下,但是很快又自我療癒了。很多事情我都能在短時間內代謝掉。因為limit down的點就是 「大不了再熬過一次罷了嘛!」

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

A few weeks ago, my mom and her friend discovered a cafe at Balik Pulau, named Nada Natural Farming Cafe. Ever since then, she had been trying to go back again but it's always full.

Seeing that Mother's Day is just around the corner, I tried to secure a booking. I wasn't expecting a positive response as I heard that Nada Natural Farming Cafe has quite a long waiting list most of the time because they are only opened for 3 days a week, noon - evening. Nevertheless, I got a yes!

For those who know me personally will know that I am never a country side / outdoor type of person, unless it's autumn or winter. Unfortunately being in Malaysia, all I get is summer 24/7, so FML big time. If it wasn't for an early Mother's Day celebration, there's no way I'd voluntarily offer to go to such a place. Even my bestie thought that someone hacked my Insta when I told her in DM that I was going to this place because it's so unlike me! 

I booked a table at 5pm on Friday afternoon and it's a 40-minute drive from my house to their doorstep. 

The place is pretty secluded - better prep your Google Maps / WAZE in order to avoid getting lost in the middle of no where (yea, literally)

If you like nature, then this is a place for you - far away from the buzzing city, concrete buildings, traffic jams, and being surrounded by greenery, bugs, heat, blue sky, white clouds, river, noises of cows and horses around. 

Prior to Covid-19, I heard that picnics were allowed within this area. It's a cute concept, just not for my liking in this weather. 

This little hut is the heart of the cafe. 

I was melting big time because my heat tolerance is very low. On top of that, I was so scared of being bitten by bugs so I sprayed mosquito repellent on both of my legs, even with long pants. But I still got bitten regardless... :/ 

Take note of the opening hours and contact number if you are looking to visit Nada Natural Farming Cafe sometime in the future. Remember to book in advance like I did! 

This cafe has a relatively smaller menu and they change it from time to time depending on the ingredients that they prep for the week. 

The available payment methods include TouchNGo, Maybank2u, online transfer and cash. No card transactions.  

This place is strict with their booking policy due to limited amount of seats available:
• Only 2 hours of dine-in allowed for each table 
• They will cancel your booking if you are over 15 minutes late

Passionfruit, Wild Honey and Marigold Kefir (RM25 per bottle) 

Craft Beer (RM30 per bottle) 

Truffle Carbonara (RM33) 

Chopped Prawns & Clams Pasta (RM38) 

Took a shot of these flowers because our table was located right underneath a tree and next to a river with a bunch of tall grasses. 

I'm saying this from the perspective of an outdoor-avoider and I will definitely be biased towards my own preference, so take this with a grain of salt: 
  • Nada Natural Farming Cafe is a nice getaway place to chill with some cold drinks. I myself enjoyed the Kefir a lot but skipped the beer because I'm not a drinker.
  • The pasta dishes didn't match up to their prices. As a pasta lover, I know where to find better pasta at a cheaper price.
  • The service was quite slow. In their defense, only 2 people were running the floor and the kitchen was quite a distance from the seating area. 
  • I won't be back again because other than the Kefir, no other factor can make me go all the way there and brave through the heat and bugs ever again. In fact, if it wasn't for my mom, I wouldn't go there at all, the photos online didn't tempt me. 
  • That said, if I had such a place in Melbourne back then, I believe I would be a regular customer during the autumn. 

Nada Natural Farming 

Lot 646 & 647, Jalan Kuala Sungai Burung, Kampung Sungai Burung, 11000 Balik Pulau, Penang. 


Sunday, May 2, 2021


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